The Anthony Harris Tennis Academy is a High Performance centre for junior and professional tennis players, located at the Sea Point Tennis Club in Bantry Bay, Cape Town. The Academy focuses solely, on producing future tennis champions, and runs a full day intensive training programme, six days a week.
Our facility includes 3 hard courts and a clay courts, an essential part of training for International events.
The Academy is a multi-cultural, educational and sports organisation, that promotes the social,
psychological and physical development of children and teaches them important life skills through sport.
The players are given the opportunity to develop to their full potential and hopefully become
World class tennis champions, representing their country in International competitions, at all levels.
Our Vision
To provide as many children, as our facilities can accommodate, with a chance to play and participate in tennis and other vertically integrated sports activities.
To provide programmes that help with community development.
To provide talented children the chance to fulfill dreams of being champions.
Our Philosophy
The philosophy behind the AHT Sports Programmes, is that there should be an accountable, healthy, professional and enjoyable environment, for all ages and socio-economic levels.